Todayā€™s Gift.



Look around you at today’s bountiful gift. 

A single glistening dewdrop reflects the beauty of life.

Smile at a baby.

Soak in the warm rays of sunlight.

Let the symphony of nature be your soundtrack for the...

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How Your Thoughts Become Things.



You are a universal brilliance.

Despite the outward appearance, you are far more than what meet’s the eye.

Actually you are a tri-plane human being.

You are spiritual.

You have an intellect.

You live in a...

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Are You Right Or Wrong?



The world is bright and hopeful or dark and meaningless, depending on how you look at it.

Perspective is the ability to be able to see the colour, without knowing its definition, and determine your own definition.


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How To Always Feel Good (When Everything Around You Is Shi*)



Imagine for a moment you've lost everything...

The love of your life just left you out of nowhere and all your money is gone, you've been fired, your car broke down and to top it off you just broke your plastic spoon...

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Failure Paradox.



So, you’re concerned with failing? 

You dream of charting your own course and determining your destiny but the fear of failure haunts you.

You stall. 

You bargain.

You rationalize (ration lies to your...

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Never Work Again.



Sir Isaac Newton was known as a many of leisure, not a man of work. 

He was not busily engaged in setting a goal and chasing a goal of discovering gravity. 

Here is a quote from one of his biographers,...

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How Constraints Free You.



The artist has a paintbrush, a canvas, and paint. 

These are his constraints and limitations empowering his unlimited imagination.

A paintbrush can be used thousands of different ways and combinations with an...

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The Power Of Negative Motivation.



Positive motivation is where you are spawned into action because of feelings of elation, joy, empowerment, confidence and any other emotion that as a positive effect.

Often people wait around to feel this way before...

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A Little Help. [3 Keys To Strengthen Your Strengths & Grow Your Success]


A strength of mine is work it can lead to over-committing which can lead to overwhelming drive or what I refer to as "bottleneck productivity."

If you have ever felt maxed out - you are not alone.

Everyone has...

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Ready. Fire. Aim!



I’d never felt so nervous at this moment. My back was against the wall, hands were clammy, my heartfelt like 50,000 horses pounding the earth. It took all my training to keep composed but the sounds of the...

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