Design Your Life.



Imagine your life as a canvas and your imagination as a paintbrush. 

You can sketch, write, draw, paint, or colour it anyway you choose. 

By defining a pattern on the canvas you instantly form a shape and give yourself...

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[100th Blog] Best Thing I Ever Learned About: Lasting Change



Let me preface by saying learning is not the same as understanding and this lesson came together for me whilst I was standing on my driveway on a sunny day, a few weeks ago.

But it brought together the most fundamental...

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Which Conversation Are You Listening To?



There are two parts to every conversation you’re going to have in your head.

One part will see the opportunity ahead of you and the other will see all the reasons why you can’t do it.

The clients that win...

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Your Goals V. Whatโ€™s Good For Your Life.



There is getting what you want and then getting what is good for you.

It would be a very fortunate person who gets the two precisely to line up.

The two are often world's apart in what that means for your life.


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The Allure.



Looking for the easy street?

That's the problem.

It's societies lure perpetuated by fantasy marketing that drives home the idea that one day you will arrive and one day it will all fall into place.

The allure starts...

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A True Goal.



Ask yourself "is your goal worthy of your time?"

Not "is this goal worthy of me?"

You have limited time so don't waste it pursuing something that doesn't constitute an excellent trade.

Weak goals have no magic or power...

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Why Your Goals Can SUCK (Plus How To Fix It)



"S.M.A.R.T Goals Suc*. That's right...I said it, here's why..."

Let's get clear on one have more power than you give yourself credit for.

If you've ever set a goal and never achieved it - WATCH this...

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