The old model is broken and feels more like a square wheel on a bike struggling to going uphill.
Being trapped in the rat-race is a by-product of our democratic system which gives you the illusion of free choice.
By buying a university degree on credit, getting that new car that you can't afford on loan and loading up a few credit cards you enter the debt trap.
If consumerism is the pill you swallow as a reward for the hard work of a normal work week, then it is likely you have large consumer debt.
The more debt you ensnare yourself in, the less choice you have to leave the job you hate or pursue the opportunities that are present.
This cycle is so pervasive that it's considered normal to be in debt for thousands of dollars.
Whilst there are ways you can use debt to amass wealth relatively speaking it's so far out of your possibility because you've got to understand how to manage the cash you have now before taking on bigger risk or more debt.
In the final analysis, money is about the relationship with yourself and what it represents versus how much of it you earn or owe.
Develop a better relationship with yourself and start seeing yourself as wealthy.
Forget the debt [put it on a payment plan].
Cut up all the cards.
If you're serious about having enough money to make the choices you want to make and work when and how you want to work then turn the pain of debt into the leverage you need to be financially free.
It's better to be a lender than a debtor.
Explore the idea of working with Vaughan and let him coach you to excellence and transform your life today.
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